RGPAS members are GPs from across rural Scotland. It was previously in existence for 10 years as the Remote Practitioners’ Association of Scotland, and prior to that for around 30 years as The Inducement Practitioners’ Association, but was renamed RGPAS in December 2014 to reflect the increasingly recognised role of a rural GP.

The purpose of the Association is to further the educational and medico-political needs of its members. The educational activity is concentrated into the Annual Conference, and political issues discussed at the AGM. Medico-political issues are also dealt with throughout the year as the need arises, for instance: during recent years of New Contract negotiations, representatives of the RGPAS have had a strong political voice. Together with SGPC representatives they have resolved many contentious issues with relation to rural issues and the New Contract.
Members of RGPAS have a common aim which is to uphold and develop high quality rural medical services in their respective areas. Many of our members work in single-handed or small isolated Practices, and therefore the Association provides an invaluable link to others who are in the same sort of situation, with similar challenges and opportunities to innovate.
RGPAS is keen to extend its membership to any GP who feels they would benefit from joining. In addition, we intend to make further opportunities available for students and trainees over the next few years.