Terms and conditions for #RGPAS24 Poster competition


Thank you

Firstly, may we say as the conference committee, thank you for considering entering an academic poster for the RGPAS 2024 Conference. We are looking forward to celebrating and sharing your work

What’s in it for me?

The RGPAS Conference is a chance to share your work at a National conference!  Your work, if selected by our panel, will be displayed at the conference for our delegates to see, both physically and online, as well as being showcased on our website.

Presenting posters:

The ‘winning’ poster from each category will be invited to speak about their project at the conference for 5-10 minutes.  This could be in person, or online.

How to submit:

Please submit a digital copy of your poster in .PDF format by September 20th 2024.  Unfortunately, any submissions given after this date will not be considered.

  • Please submit your .PDF to posters@ruralgp.scot in the following format
  • Name of lead author and category you would like your poster to be submitted for example: Bloggs_Joe_Sustainability.pdf 

How many posters can I submit?

  • 1 poster per lead author.

What are the categories?

  1. Quality improvement. Projects from primary, secondary, tertiary or social care will all be considered if the work is deemed of interest to Rural General Practice
  2. Remote and Rural.  Projects from primary, secondary, tertiary or social care will all be considered if the work is deemed of interest to Rural General Practice.
  3. Sustainability. Projects from primary, secondary, tertiary or social care will all be considered if the work is deemed of interest to a Rural General Practice.

Does submitting a poster mean that if my poster is selected, I get a free/subsidised place at the conference?

Unfortunately, RGPAS cannot offer free conference places for qualified doctors who submit posters.

However, there are 20 student scholarship places available

An exceptional poster may contribute favourably towards your scholarship application.  The posters will be judged by 1st Oct 2024.  If a student submits a strong poster application, and is not successful in winning a student scholarship, they may offered an online place, at RGPAS’s discretion.

Poster printing:

If your poster is selected to be presented as a hard copy at the conference, we are delighted to say that RGPAS can offer to print this for you.  Please submit any posters for consideration by September 20th 2024.

If your poster is already printed, please contact posters@ruralgp.scot for delivery arrangements.

Who will see my work, if it is selected?

All successful posters will be presented Online and on the RGPAS website and displayed at the in person RGPAS conference

Final Note

Thank you again for considering submitting a poster to the RGPAS conference

Kind Regards, the RGPAS Committee